Sunset Lakes Receives Local Funding

Local Sunset Hills resident to provide sizable donation for championship course and park improvements.

Many Course Improvements and Sponsorship Opportunities to Come

A recent meeting with Sunset Hills Parks & Recreation yielded some exciting news as well as some bad news. The “bad” news is that the REC course is indefinitely on hold, as they are still considering the best use of the land. Ultimately, because of the “good” news, it is unlikely the land (near the playground) will be utilized for more disc golf.

The exciting news is that the city received a sizable donation from a local resident for the park/course at Sunset Lakes. Primarily, this donation will manifest as a paved parking lot between the main road and the practice hole. A paved path will wrap behind hole 1’s green and follow the cart path along the road before making a right turn “through hole 2’s fairway” where it will terminate at the shared pond between 2 and 9. A concrete fishing pad and dock will be installed (where it will not interfere) with holes 2 and 9. This City is also installing multiple covered picnic tables around that lake for disc golfers and anglers alike.

In an effort to stretch resources as far as possible, the City has enlisted an Eagle Scout for a project which will provide a trailhead kiosk at the parking lot/practice hole. The kiosk includes a place for an overhead map, rules, park contact information, event calendar, and scorecards! Once the kiosk is complete, the Eagle Scout hopes to move on to building benches for each hole. The P&R/Maintenance teams have also committed to adding extra trash cans picnic tables, regular cutting, and spraying for mosquitoes from May through September.

The BIG announcement however is that the City will work with us to install 2 sets of concrete tee pads at the course. This will provide a challenging track for Pros while giving AMs a more manageable course for day-to-day rounds. As such, the first draft of the new tee boxes have all been flagged. The vision here is to play from the new flags for a few weeks then make adjustments as needed. Please do not move any flags. If you have an idea and want to be involved, reach out to join the team. Again, the idea is to fine tune the pads before the actual pour, so (constructive) feedback will be critical as we dial in the proper locations for each set of pads.

While flagging tee boxes, OB lines were also marked for the mowers. Please try and get out to Sunset Lakes for a round in the coming weeks to play the new pads and share your feedback on this “announcement” on our Facebook. Once the OB is roughed in and pad locations are finalized, the City will also work with us on the manufacture of both Pro & Am tee signs, so be on the lookout for another tee sign sponsorship opportunity in the coming months.


  1. OG pad is PRO, NEW AM pad
  2. OG pad is PRO, NEW AM pad
  3. New PRO pad, NEW AM pad
  4. Same/shared tee box
  5. OG pad is PRO, NEW AM pad
  6. New PRO pad, NEW AM pad
  7. New PRO pad, NEW AM pad
  8. OG pad is PRO, NEW AM pad
  9. OG pad is PRO, NEW AM pad
  10. OG pad is PRO, NEW AM pad
  11. Same/shared tee box
  12. OG pad is PRO, NEW AM pad
  13. OG pad is PRO, NEW AM pad
  14. New PRO pad, NEW AM pad
  15. New PRO pad, NEW AM pad
  16. OG pad is PRO, NEW AM pad
  17. New PRO pad, NEW AM pad
  18. OG pad is PRO, NEW AM pad